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Full Day Program

First Career Day Inc. at Oyster Bay High School

December 2, 2026

“Career Day Inc. held its inaugural program at Oyster Bay High School on December 2 and in the process, offered 374 10th-, 11th- and 12th-grade students a chance to have an atypical job fair experience. This Career Day Inc. featured students sitting in on presentations from 58 different professionals. The idea of having such a varied menu of jobs ranging from plumber and electrician to acting Supreme Court Justice to an award-winning restaurant owner/chef, documentary filmmaker and astronomer as a key component for Career Day Inc. founder Beth Bucheister when she was putting this program together.”

Long Island Press, 2016


The most rewarding part is having the opportunity to inspire anybody in that room, and not necessarily about entertainment. It can be something that they’re passionate about. I really think that as a career, you should do something that you’re passionate about. I don’t want them to think they can only clock in and out at some job. They have the ability to create their life plan right now. So why not have it be about something they’re passionate about—or be about something they can become passionate about? If I can inspire that, that’s cool.

Aviation has so many jobs that I didn’t even know existed. ’ll definitely look more into the army because they definitely provide a lot more financial relief that I didn’t even know they provided.