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Full Day Program

Full Day Program - Career Day Inc.


Opening Keynote

The program begins with an empowering assembly led by a motivating speaker setting a positive tone and energizing students for the rest of the day.

Small Group Sessions

The day is divided into small classroom sessions where students learn directly from professionals based on their interests.

Networking Luncheon

A networking luncheon at the end of the program is an excellent opportunity for students, professionals, and staff to connect more informally and build lasting relationships.


Surveys gather feedback from students, professionals, and school staff about the sessions they attended and what they found most engaging. This feedback helps improve future programs as well as create the first step for students’ scholarship opportunity.

Arie A. Buchesiter Memorial Scholarship

This initiative is designed to recognize and support students who have been positively influenced in pursuing their educational and career goals by the Career Day Inc. program.
Learn More

You can bring Career Day Inc. to your school through BOCES funding!

All our programs are registered with the Nassau BOCES and Western Suffolk BOCES. Career Day Inc. is also available with Eastern Suffolk BOCES under the Arts in Education Exploratory Enrichment catalog.

Nassau BOCES
Western Suffolk BOCES
Eastern Suffolk BOCES